
5 Feb 2015

TOEFL Writing Topic Type 1: Choose a Side

This is by far the most common type of independent writing question. These TOEFL prompts ask you to choose A or B then explain your decision. There are a couple of different approaches to writing this type of essay, but the simplest form is the “five paragraph essay.” Usually this is actually only four paragraphs, because you don’t have that much time—the test only gives you 30 minutes to complete your independent essay.
So if you choose A, you might write an essay that looks like this:
A is better
Body 1
Reason 1 and examples of why A is better
Short contrast with B
Body 2
Reason 2 and examples of why A is better
Short contrast with B
Why this is significant in the real world
Of course, there are other ways to write an essay, but it’s a good idea to use a relatively simple structure for clarity. This is more true for the TOEFL than it is for essays on other tests, like the GRE, because the TOEFL is really a test of communication and how well you can write in English.
Here are some examples of the “choose a side” writing topics:
“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”
“Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.”
“Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”
“It has recently been announced that a large shopping center may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer”
There are a few common phrases which you will see in these essay topics, so they’re easy to spot — those phrases are bold in the examples above.
You might also get a slightly more complicated version of the “choose a side” prompt that asks you to compare sides, like this one:
“When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific details.”
In that case, you could still use the structure I showed above, but you would emphasize the contrasts with “B” and write a bit more about them.

TOEFL Writing Topics

While the TOEFL is generally a very different type of test from the GRE, the GMAT, and the SAT, there are a few similarities, and the writing section is one of them.
As with most standardized tests, the TOEFL asks you to write an essay. Well, it asks for two essays, actually — one is about a reading and a lecture (which you’ll summarize), and the second is more open-ended.
Let’s look at the questions that you might see for that second TOEFL essay, the “independent task.”
On one hand, there are a LOT of different TOEFL writing topics. You might be asked to write an essay about technology, education, media, family, or some other subject. But on the other hand, there are only a few different types of questions.
ETS does provide a list of TOEFL independent essay questions, and it’s a good idea to look over those. If you practice writing the essay before test day (a good idea!), then you should use an essay prompt from that list. But there’s an excess of information in that pdf—we want to know some more useful generalities! So let’s divide those subjects into types.

4 Feb 2015

IELTS Writing task 1

IELTS writing task 1 is considered to be a very difficult and confusing task, but in reality it is totally opposite. Students get confused when they look at a diagram or process, but if they follow some simple steps they can score very good marks on the IELTS writing task 1.

First I will tell you about this task:

You will have 20 minutes to complete this task
You will either be given a diagram or a process
You will be required to describe the diagram or process in 150 words (13-14 lines)
You should not write in point form
Your description will be like an essay
You will not require any special knowledge in order to attempt this question
The examiner wants to know whether you can do comparison
IELTS Writing task 1 tips

Manage your time
Do not make opinions; just tell about the things which you see
Use the words (increased by, decreased by, greater than, less than)
Use proper English

IELTS listening tips

Listen to the entire conversation
Don’t jump to conclusions
Read the questions before the conversation starts
If you don’t understand a question skip it, and try to answer the next questions
The answer is often repeated
The speech is played only once
The duration of the audio is 30 minutes
You will also have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer booklet
You will not get marked if you do not put your answers on the answer booklet
Always remember the (what,where,how,who,when,which)
The questions get harder after the first 15 questions
At least 2 clues are given in the conversation which point towards the answers

IELTS Reading tips

Manage your time
Don’t try to understand the difficult words, their meanings are not asked
Difficult words or terms are often the answers
Read the questions first
Answers are normally in the first and second lines of a paragraph
Look for the keywords, you can even answer the question without reading the whole passage
Practice the reading part a lot
Try not to spend more than 15 minutes on each passage so that you have enough time to check and transfer your answers

IELTS Writing tips

Do some brainstorming
Write complete sentences
Proof read your work
Don’t use complex words if you don’t know how to use them properly
You are mostly asked to agree or disagree with a statement
You have to write a persuasive essay
You are advised to spend 40 minutes on the essay part
You are advised to spend 20 minutes on the part 1
You will be required to describe a graph or process for the writing part 1
remember the words for the writing part 1, you will use them often(increase,decrease,greater,more,less,in conclusion,less than)

IELTS Speaking tips

Revise your 12 tenses
Don’t concentrate on the accent
Speak complete sentences
Feel relaxed, they are not going to kill you even if you say the wrong answer
Don’t memorize the speech
Part 1 is very simple, it asks about you (name,family,education,job,home,)
Part 2 is about something you like for example. Your favorite holiday destination
Part 3 consists of follow-up questions
You can ask the examiner to repeat the question if you do not understand it for the first time

3 Feb 2015


Corruption is a great evil that has spread its poison in almost every single country in the world. As expected, developing countries suffer more from corruption than developed countries. The governments of all these countries are corrupt in almost everything, ranging from policy issues to infrastructure and developmental issues. Prime examples of countries rich in corruption are Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, African countries etc.
Corruption is basically when a person in power decides to exploit his power in making money for himself/herself. A corrupt person also accepts lots of bribes from people, and in return, approves illegal projects. Corruption happens because the government system is so infiltrated by people who have no morals and who come into power just to make money. In developing countries, people suffer so much to make money that whenever they get the chance, they exploit it to the fullest.

Corruption has a lot of disadvantages. The primary disadvantage is that corruption dissuades people in foreign countries from investing. For example, when the corruption scandals were leaked out in Pakistan, many people in the United States and other countries decided to withhold their money, and refrain from making investments in Pakistan. Housing societies are a very good example of corruption. The land is acquired illegally, and when the time comes to hand over the plots to their rightful owners, it is discovered that it was all an elaborate sham.

Corruption also creates a bad image of the country in other countries. Rich countries often give aid in the form of money and goods to the poor countries. If they so much as get a whiff that corruption is being done in the handling of the funds, they decide to withdraw their support, never to offer it again. Pakistan has suffered from this misfortune many times due to its corrupt leaders being discovered by aid organizations and governments abroad.

Thus, it can be seen that corruption is a very big problem for countries across the world, and it has a lot of disadvantages. It discourages trade, investment, and friendly relations between countries. It is imperative that the developing nations should install strict measures that protect against this evil.

My Favorite Hero In History

History is riddled with figured who have gone to great lengths to do the things they believed in. However, there have been very few historical figures who have actually done what was beat for their nation and the world in general. Abraham Lincoln is one of those figures, and hence, my favorite figure in history.

The first reason why I’ve chosen Lincoln is that he abolished the hated practice of slavery. For hundreds of years, Africans were shipped from their native land to countries all over the world so that they could do hard labor – things the Whites thought were beneath them, or due to their weak stature, were unable to accomplish. Slavery was a horrible practice where the person worked without any compensation or any respect for work hours. It was acceptable for people to toil in the fields from morning to late night. The house slaves fared a little better, but still suffered from the long hours. They slaves were not allowed to use anything that belonged to their masters, and they were expected to behave at all times or risk the wrath of their masters or the local police is things got out of hand. Lincoln was the one person who decided to put his foot down and end the terrible act of slavery. It was through his stand that slavery in Northern as well as Southern America came to an end.

Slavery was such a sore topic among the Southerners that they resorted to go to war for it. Out of the many reasons cited as causes for the American Civil War, slavery was perhaps the biggest. The South resisted any reasonable arguments and were determined to continue slavery. They claimed their plantations wouldn’t survive otherwise. Lincoln, however, stood firm in his beliefs and challenged the Southerners until war finally broke out.

Needless to say, but the American Civil War ultimately defined the new America – a slavery-free America. If it hadn’t been for Lincoln’s determination, the South would have seceded into a separate Confederate States of America, and slavery would have continued unabashed.

Therefore, in my opinion, the greatest hero ever in history is Abraham Lincoln, who abolished the hated and despicable act of slavery. Although he had to go to war to exterminate this evil, he made sure that slavery was eradicated. Unfortunately, Lincoln didn’t live long enough to see the changes he had triggered in America. He was gunned down soon after the Civil War.